A HUGE congratulations is in order for our video production partner, Cool Hand Look for winning two Central Coast Bronze ADDY Awards! We are so proud of Luke Archer of Cool Hand Look for receiving this great honor.

The ADDY Award Gala took place yesterday, March 13 and recognizes award winning marketing and advertising techniques, strategies, and presentations. Cool Hand Look received these two bronze awards for two awesome projects he produced for our clients Ron White and Rolling Pet Vet. The two awards were for “creative excellence in the art of advertising, including a Bronze ADDY Award for the web series ‘Rontourage: On Tour with Ron White’ and a Bronze ADDY Award for an Integrated Campaign for the launch of local mobile veterinary hospital, Rolling Pet Vet.” (ADDY Awards)
Luke Archer was extremely ecstatic about the awards, stating “In 2012, we launched the Cool Hand Look agency and it was a great year for us and our clients. We strive to go the extra mile for our clients, and push the envelope creatively. We entered two projects and came home with two awards. 2012 was our first year of business, so this honor was especially sweet for us.”
You can view the two projects that won Cool Hand Look these awesome awards below, and be sure to visit their sites as well!