Oxford Dictionary honors “vape” as the word of the year, and I want to go die now because that is the worst thing I have ever heard. I do not like that word. I do not like the way it sounds, and most of all I don’t like those silly blue lights. I find them distracting. Before I get caught up creating my very own version of “10 Things I Hate About You” on here, let me just say this, the English language is full of so many beautiful words, descriptive words, eloquent words. But every year, the “word of the year” seems to drop a few more IQ points*. I’m pretty sure we are in the negative field of IQ points now.
I can’t help but to think of Robin William’s character in Dead Poet’s Society
The word very sounds like a vacation into intelligence now. Okay okay, I’m being tough on the silly “Word of the Year” choice over at Oxford Dictionary, I get that. But I just saw the Mashable article, which you can refer to here. and thought, wow, this is why people hate my generation. So, if not for the need to reference two of my favorite movies of all time,** I needed to write this diary of outrage towards the “Word of the Year”, because the world needs to know that the millennial generation is more than vape-ing selfie-taking baes. (Of course no judgement if you partake in any of those activities. I know you’re so much more than those things)
All that to say, I hope we can all learn something from this.
You can read the Oxford Dictionary’s official release as well.
*The one caveat to this claim, is that I fully support the word Muggle being acknowledged as a superior word choice in any situation.
**I have actually referenced three if you have read the above asterisk. Because, Harry Potter is awesome. Also I know it is a book series, but you get my point.