One thing that has been awesome about the development of the “Twittersphere” has been the ability to get up close and personal with athletes, artists, comedians, actors, and musicians. There are those who choose to have companies (Like @Oniracom) handle their twitter accounts, but the occasional Celebs will actually take the time to share snippets of their lives and experiences with the world via Twitter.
Billboard.com has taken advantage of this new medium of communication, and has begun threading together the best music tweets of the week. It is an entertaining feature and the list is shared by all sorts of musicians saying funny and interesting things, but best of all it?s a one-stop shop for all the best music tweets. The feature is called the Top 20 Tweets of the Week and is a home-page featured link on Billboard.com.
Along with @Oniracom I would also recommend following @Billboarddotcom for more music industry news. Have fun reading this weeks list! I think my personal favorite has to be @ihategame (The Game): “Just stopped 2 use da bathroom at a store n Montana, & da clerk was a cross eyed midget wit a shirt that said ‘MY BEAUTY IS FROM WITHIN’ LOL.””
Only the Game could get away with that.