We recently launched a Topspin E4M page for 170 Million Americans. The campaign is called “Raise Your Voice” and features an exclusive compilation from some of your favorite artists in exchange for email. We worked with Soundcloud for the media player that features all 16 songs.
170 Million Americans for Publich Braodcasting is a collaboration of public radio and television stats ions, national organizations, producers, and viewers and listeners throughout the country in favor of a keeping strong public media present in the United States. The Raise Your Voice campaign is a project put together to rally a base of supporters to continue the force of this movement and we’re so excited to get to be involved.
Check it out - 170MillionAmericans.org/RYVoice
You can also check out the RootMusic BandPage (Facebook.com/170Million) and YouTube re-skin (Youtube.com/170Million) that we did for them.