We just lived through another historical moment here in Santa Barbara, and no I’m not talking about the grand opening of Chik – Fil- A, is that how it’s spelled? No no, the 55th annual Grammy Awards aired Sunday night! And this time, there wasn’t too much Taylor or Kanye, unless you count the break-up-song in Wonderland Cirque du-so weird spectacular the lovely Ms. Swift performed.

All this aside, all I could think about, was how many categories does it take to establish an award show? I’m all for recognizing and honoring the artists I blast from my little macbook speakers, but I mean really, three and a half hours? Seems to be a bit… excessive. So, I looked into the past in order to compare it to the present.
In the First Annual Grammy awards ceremony, there were 28 categories. (Don’t worry, I counted.) Categories such as Record of the Year, Album of the Year, Song of the Year, all the big awards we still await with much anticipation year after year. However, we still hand out just about all of the same awards from that first ceremony… and then some.
The 55th Annual Grammy awards ceremony possessed not even double but almost triple that amount with 81 total categories. Some are probably necessary to add i.e. country, rap, reggae, you know, to keep up with the times. But some of them, well, you be the judge.
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