Traditional 80’s fast food Marketing is back! For better or worse…
A Business market segment is a group of people or organizations sharing one or more characteristics that cause them to have similar product and/or service needs.
In this case, Burger King and Microsoft have teamed up pushing the “Windows 7 Whopper” to their market segment (very very hungry and/or large people in Japan). For 7 days only, you can shell out Â¥777 (or $8.55) for 7 beef patties on a sesame seed bun, in support of Windows 7. BK’s in Japan are limiting this price to the first 30 customers each day, upping the price to Â¥1,450 ($17.10), officially breaking the “7” theme.
But this campaign has pushed beyond the limits of traditional marketing into the digital realm. Yes, blogs all over the web have picked up on this story (including our own
For blog publishers to resist re-posting this image is nearly impossible. It has all the necessary elements: two American company logos, Japanese characters and 7 mouthwatering beef patties.

But I would like to give a huge thank you to Gizmodo’s Mark Wilson & co. who attempt to down this burger for Generation YouTube to “enjoy.”
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