Recently, I was creating tour date events in facebook for one of our artists that has a huge fan base. I was blazing through the creation of these events when I received a warning message that I’ve never see before:
It looks as though facebook, is now watching over the content we post and the frequency of the postings. I thought this functionality was pretty cool at first - I liked how facebook was looking out for the well-being of the fans and what they supposedly wanted. That lasted for about a minute. I then became a bit annoyed that facebook had this power over me and wouldn’t let me continue with the work that needed to be done. It was all a little too “big brother-esque” for me.
I can understand and appreciate what facebook is trying to do for the fans in this situation. However, those tour dates needed to get up in order for the page to have the latest and greatest content. Isn’t that what a facebook fan page is for? Further, I wasn’t publishing any of the events on the artist’s wall so no one was even seeing them.
Perhaps it’s a bug or perhaps it isn’t. What do you guys think of this facebook warning message? Good idea or bad idea?
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