If we had three of our all time favorite, most memorable, and flat out amazing albums with us while stranded on a desert island, we’d probably be alright. This is what would keep each of us going if we were unfortunately stranded. What would you choose?

Jacob: The Beatles’ “Magical Mystery Tour” - Each song is actually a single (many were released as singles and later compiled into this proper LP release) so the experience does not tire with each new listen. This album is fun (Baby, You’re a Rich Man), psychedelic (I Am The Walrus), insightful (The Fool on the Hill), uplifting (Penny Lane), whimsical (Strawberry Fields Forever) and just plain genius (All You Need is Love). Thank you John, Paul, George & Ringo for making mysterious magic for generations to fall in love with.”
Talking Heads’ “Remain In Light” - The pairing of David Byrne and Brian Eno is one of the all time collaborations since Lennon/McCartney, and despite being the ‘Heads worst selling album of their career it ends up being my favorite. Released two months after my birth, I am completely connected to the songwriting, incorporation of African polyrhythms, production of samples/loops and horn line arrangements. This masterpiece, front to back, never sounds tired!
Phish’s “A Live One” - Being my favorite live band, it’s only fitting that I would choose Phish’s certified platinum double disc live produced record. Each track was recorded on their 1994 tour at a different venue, but is seamlessly stitched together to mimic their classic two set plus encore live format. One of the best tracks is titled “Montana” and is actually a few minute excerpt of a jam from a show in Bozeman, Montana (hence the title) that flawlessly sets the stage for an epic “You Enjoy Myself.”
Calia: Bon Iver’s self titled sophomore album - This album is a beauty. Everything about it is gorgeous. Lyrics, tunes, melodies, and the emotion. I think if I had this album with me while I was stranded on a desert island I’d still be able to see all of life’s beauties.
Phoenix’s Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix - Something to dance to.
Arcade Fire’s The Suburbs - This album is pure gold. Why wouldn’t I want it with me forever?
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