It seems like no chat conversation these days is complete without some crazy emoticons- emoji for iPhone has practically become a second habit, and now Facebook Chat has introduced stickers (basically large cartoon emoticons that embed into the chat conversation) on the web. We’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite Facebook Chat Stickers and appropriate times to use them, inspired by this Mashable article:
1. For when you want to pretend you work at the Bluth Banana Stand

2. For when you get food poisoning from a really bad seafood restaurant

3. For when you’re feeling ~FABULOUS~

4. For when you’re practicing for your big Shakespeare Broadway debut

5. For when you’re feeling meta

6. For when you’re trying to be like Rachael Ray but it backfires

7. For when you REALLY don’t feel like getting up

8. For when you’re feeling like Willy Wonka

All stickers are downloadable straight from Facebook: click the smiley face icon in the upper right corner in your Messages, and you can download all sticker packs from there.