A part of the Oniracom family, Erland’s debut album “On Our Side” has only 20 days left on Pledge Music! They currently have 57 pledges and are 61% into their goal. They need your help these next few weeks to help fund their tour, needed gear, website development, and merchandise and music video production.

We helped Erland set up their Pledge Music page and would love to see them reach their desired goal! You can pledge for any of the items listed on the right side of their page. Items listed include a copy of their debut album, a signed cd, a t-shirt, a handwritten lyric sheet, and much more. Just pick your pledge price and help Erland achieve their goal! Everyone who pledges will receive a digital download of the new album on January 15, 2013.
If Erland’s initial goal is met, a portion of the pledges will go towards their producer Andrew McMahon’s charity, The Dear Jack Foundation, which is an organization that benefits the lives of young adults who are fighting cancer.
To find out more about Erland and to pledge their music, head over to their Pledge Music page here. We hope they reach their goal! Remember, there’s only 20 days left!