Looped footage
Available on both iOS and Android platforms
Available on Amazon Kindle
Can imbed videos on desktop
Can mute videos on desktop
Full Twitter integration
No filters
No Vine web profiles
No Photo Map
TechCrunch reported the Vine is teasing some possible App updates soon: Full screen video, ability to save Vine drafts and voiceover ability
13 Filters for video
Choose a Cover Frame (as sort of a splash page for video)
Can edit out video frames after shooting
Double tap to focus while shooting video
“Cinema” feature: Image stabilization
Share to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Foursquare, Email
Instagram Web Profiles to watch videos on desktop
No playback
Can’t play video on Android yet (can only see cover frame)
(possibly) more video filters
Also, this fun website plays two videos side by side (from Vine and Instagram respectively) and lets you pick which one you think is the best. Vine is currently winning the battle with 13657 votes, while Instagram has 11747 votes.
So who is the better video sharing app? Only time will tell, but we have millions on millions (literally) of both Vine and Instagram videos to look through in the meantime.